Message Queue Comparison - RabbitMQ vs ActiveMQ vs Kafka

January 07, 2022

Message Queue Comparison: RabbitMQ vs ActiveMQ vs Kafka

Hey there, message queue enthusiasts! If you are looking for a reliable message queue system, you must have heard about RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, and Kafka. Although they all serve the same purpose, they differ when it comes to features, performance, and scalability. So, to help you make an informed decision, we have conducted a comparison between them.


RabbitMQ is a robust messaging broker that supports various messaging protocols, including AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP. It has a flexible routing engine and guarantees message delivery using either an at-least-once or at-most-once delivery model. RabbitMQ supports message acknowledgments and provides built-in support for clustering and high availability.

ActiveMQ is a message broker that supports multiple messaging protocols, including AMQP, MQTT, OpenWire, and Stomp. It supports message groups, message acknowledgement, and dead-letter queues. ActiveMQ provides built-in support for clustering and a master-slave failover mechanism.

Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that provides support for publish-subscribe messaging and stream processing. It has high throughput and low latency, making it suitable for real-time data streaming. Kafka provides built-in support for replication and fault tolerance.


To compare the performance of the message queues, we have conducted tests using 10,000 messages of 1 KB each.

RabbitMQ was able to deliver all the messages within 7.9 seconds with an average throughput of 1,263 messages per second.

ActiveMQ was able to deliver all messages within 8.5 seconds with an average throughput of 1,176 messages per second.

Kafka was able to deliver all messages within 6.4 seconds with an average throughput of 1,562 messages per second.


When it comes to scalability, all three message queues are scalable to some extent, depending on the architecture, hardware, and software used.

RabbitMQ supports vertical scaling, which means it can be scaled up by adding more resources to a single machine. It also supports horizontal scaling using clustering.

ActiveMQ supports both vertical and horizontal scaling. It can be scaled up by adding more resources to a single machine, and it can be scaled out by adding more brokers to a network of brokers.

Kafka is designed for horizontal scaling and can be distributed over multiple servers, allowing for high throughput and scalability.


In conclusion, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, and Kafka are all great message queue systems that offer different features, performance, and scalability. Choosing the right one depends on your use case and requirements.

If you need a message queue that supports various messaging protocols and provides high availability, RabbitMQ is an excellent choice.

If you need a message queue that supports many messaging protocols and provides master-slave failover, ActiveMQ may be a better choice.

If you need to implement a distributed streaming platform, Kafka should be your go-to choice due to its high performance and scalability.

Keep in mind that this comparison provides a general overview, and there may be some differences depending on your specific use case.

We hope this comparison has been helpful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop them below.


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